Interpretation price

The price of the interpretation will be charged according to the time reserved or per minute, depending on the urgency of the order.

We also offer our customers a free application for use with a computer browser or mobile device. The application makes it even easier to order an interpreter.

It is, however, not essential to use the application. You can also order an interpreter by simply calling or sending us an e-mail.

Ota yhteys ammattitulkkiin tekemällä ajanvaraus lomakkeen kautta tai ottamalla yhteyttä puhelimitse.

Ask more about municipal pricing from

Reserve a short presentation to the Youpret-app by Microsoft teams or Google meet. The presentation does not commit you to any agreement. You can reserve the presentation from here


0 € / month

  • Application
  • Unlimited user accounts
  • Deployment
  • Operation guidance
  • Phone Support
  • Reports

Contact us and order free user accounts for your business. No opening fees or recurring fixed costs.

Instant Interpreter

2 € / starting min

  • Experienced professional interpreters.
  • Security-cleared interpreters available.
  • Remote connection by phone or video.

Interpreters available for more than 100 languages ​​immediately.

Call +358 45 668 8113 and order an interpreter.


66 € / h

You can make an appointment with an interpreter using the form on the website or by calling.

Make an appointment or call

+358 45 668 8113.

On-site interpreter

from 75 € / h

  • Interpreter on-site
  • Professional interpreters with relevant experience in various situations

Call us and request an offer

+358 45 668 8113.

Specialized interpreters

from 79 € / h

Call us and request an offer

+358 45 668 8113.