Ethical Guidelines for Interpreters

Youpret interpreters comply with the professional regulations of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters

Business interpreting is the interpretation of a dialogue between an authority, an official institution of society or any other body and an individual or a small group. For the purposes of this Code, an interpreter is a trained and / or experienced professional and interpretation expert who is completely impartial and independent.

Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation in individual cases, the professional code shall be binding on the members of the associations representing interpreters who have drawn it up: interpreters of spoken and referenced languages, interpreters and interpreters of methods which support or replace speech.

Code of Ethics for Business Interpreters

1. An interpreter shall be bound by the obligation of professional secrecy.

2. The interpreter shall not abuse any information which comes to his notice in connection with the interpretation.

3. An interpreter shall not accept an assignment for which he is prevented.

4. An interpreter shall not accept an assignment for which he is not sufficiently qualified.

5. The interpreter shall prepare his duties carefully and in good time.

6. The interpreter interprets comprehensively, omits nothing and adds nothing irrelevant.

7. An interpreter is an impartial mediator and does not allow his or her feelings, attitudes and opinions to influence his or her work.

8. An interpreter shall not act as an assistant or agent to an interpreter and shall not, during his term of office, perform any duties other than interpretation.

9. The interpreter shall behave as required by the situation and the assignment.

10. The interpreter shall indicate any circumstances which substantially impede interpretation in the event of interpretation.

12. An interpreter is constantly developing his skills.

Expertise in the work of an interpreter

The aim of interpretation is to convey the messages of the transaction situation accurately and in such a way that linguistic equality is achieved. defines the role of the interpreter and the conditions for the interpretation of the participants.

Before the start of the interpretation, the interpreter shall agree with the participants on how the parties should act in order for the interpreter to be able to provide a comprehensive interpretation. The interpreter agrees and has the right to interrupt

Application of ethical guidelines

1. An interpreter shall be bound by the obligation of professional secrecy.

The interpreter's professional secrecy applies to all information, whether oral or written, or otherwise communicated to the interlocutor and the parties to the interpreter in preparation for, during or after the engagement, and shall not disclose any such information to third parties or independently. the other party to the dialogue.

Confidentiality shall also apply to documents and other material to which an interpreter has access or which he receives in connection with the assignment, as well as to the interpreter's notes and the interpretation produced by the interpreter, in any form or medium.

2. The interpreter shall not abuse any information which comes to his notice in connection with the interpretation.

In the event of an interpreter, the interpreter shall not pursue his own financial or other interests and shall not use anything which came to his knowledge in the course of the assignment for his own benefit or for the benefit of others.

3. An interpreter shall not accept an assignment for which he is prevented.

Before accepting an assignment, an interpreter shall ascertain as closely as possible whether he or she has a kinship, emotion or dependency with either party, is involved in the proceedings or has previously participated in the proceedings, or whether his or her practical or economic significance or for other reasons, such as legal grounds.

If an interpreter is unsure whether he or she is incapacitated, he or she shall bring the suspicions to the attention of the parties and leave the inconvenience to them.

4. An interpreter shall not accept an assignment for which he is not sufficiently qualified.

Before accepting an assignment, the interpreter must determine the complexity of the assignment and the technical skills and possible ethical or intellectual challenges involved in obtaining the best possible understanding of the quality of the assignment and the adequacy of one's skills to perform the task.

5. The interpreter shall prepare his duties carefully and in good time.

In order to achieve the goal of interpreting and linguistic equality, an interpreter must become familiar with the vocabulary, terminology and phraseology required for the assignment and with a degree of accuracy relevant to the interpreter. roles and hierarchies and be able to choose the most appropriate way of working for the interpretation situation.

6. The interpreter interprets comprehensively, omits nothing and adds nothing irrelevant.

The interpreter's job is to convey linguistic and culturally relevant non-linguistic messages as comprehensively and unchanged as possible. however, shall not explain the substance of the matter on its own initiative on behalf of the representative of each of the languages ​​to be interpreted.

7. An interpreter is an impartial mediator and does not allow his or her feelings, attitudes and opinions to influence his or her work.

An interpreter shall be impartial and independent upon receipt, during and after the assignment in order to maintain his or her credibility. The impartiality of an interpreter means that his or her personal opinions or attitudes do not affect the quality of his or her work. If an interpreter knows in advance that he or she will not be able to be impartial and external to the subject or the subject to be interpreted, he or she shall refuse to receive the interpretation. in the event of an interpretation, they shall request clarification from the other party and not from the interpreter.

8. An interpreter shall not act as an assistant or agent to an interpreter and shall not, during his term of office, perform any duties other than interpretation.

During the interpretation assignment, the interpreter shall not undertake any tasks other than those required for the assignment, nor shall he give any advice or guidance before or during the interpretation, nor shall he discuss any issues raised during the interpretation. Any translation related to the interpretation shall always be agreed separately.

9. The interpreter shall behave as required by the situation and the assignment.

In all his or her conduct and performance, the interpreter shall act as required for each interpreting communication situation, taking into account the standards of conduct and dress associated with the situation.

10. The interpreter shall indicate any circumstances which substantially impede interpretation in the event of interpretation.

An interpreter has a duty and a right to take care of his or her working conditions in order for the communication to take place as intended. In addition, the interpreter is obliged to notify immediately if the situation changes in such a way that he or she is prevented from doing so by a party, or if the nature of the interpreting task changes significantly or proves that the interpreter's skills or preparation are insufficient. to perform the task to a high standard.

An interpreter always acts in accordance with the ethical rules of his / her profession and behaves both in the course of his / her assignment and in his / her free time in a manner that promotes the prestige of the profession. mandate.

12. An interpreter is constantly developing his skills.

An interpreter maintains and develops all the skills and competencies he or she needs in his or her profession on an ongoing basis.

Revised professional rules for business interpreters published. Website of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters. (pdf)