Now, over a decade later, the retired three-time CEO looks out at the forest landscape of Nurmijärvi from the window of his home office, which he built in the upstairs of his family’s house, and waits for a remote interpreting assignment to begin.
– This is currently the best place in the world. It’s 27 minutes to the airport, 45 minutes to the statue of Mannerheim, and five kilometers away is the world’s most beautiful sandy beach at Sääksjärvi. From the front door you can go jogging in the woods - and there are no cattle farms nearby, he laughs.
When the interpretation session is over, Jukka heads to the path behind his house, which takes him to the middle of a hilly forest landscape. There, he leaves behind everything he doesn’t need to carry with him. He enjoys no longer being responsible for anything at work other than his own contribution.
Although on paper Jukka is retired, he doesn’t believe he’ll ever become a gentleman of leisure. It’s important for him to stay active, and the extra income doesn’t hurt. He works as a business consultant-or “middleman”, as he calls his role. Jukka also returned to interpreting after decades when he started working in 2022 for Youpret, providing interpreting services in Russian, English and Finnish. Jukka soon realized that it suits his current life situation perfectly.
– I am usually on call five days a week, although I take Fridays a bit more lightly. The duration of an interpreting session varies from fifteen minutes to over an hour, so I accept them accordingly, Jukka says.
Jukka admits that, at first, it was difficult for a three-time CEO to adjust to being a customer service representative.
– I eventually found the right mindset and learned to restrain myself from interfering with the perspectives of the other parties. These jobs are actually related to each other. My job is still to create the conditions for the other parties to succeed.
In Jukka’s experience, interpreting work receives more positive feedback than being a CEO.
– I have received written feedback a few times, and it is always nice. I can say that a thank you is even as valuable as a reward when it comes from helping someone in a difficult situation, he says.
Jukka also finds it pleasant that the interpreting work allows him to encounter so many different perspectives on the world. You learn many things that you might never have thought about otherwise.
Interpreting covers the whole spectrum of human life; in Jukka’s words, everything that can happen from the womb to the grave and inheritance.
– The situations are very intense, sometimes even tragic, just like life is. However, interpreting is so focused on the present moment that my own feelings only surface afterward.
Youpret offers its interpreters training and discussion sessions, where they have the opportunity for both professional and peer support. Jukka considers this opportunity important.