We organized an on-site training day in Helsinki for our interpreters on Friday, November 29th. The theme of the day was Working as an Interpreter in the 2020s. During the day, we heard two insightful and fascinating talks on the topic by our expert speakers. Below you can read more about the contents of the training and the flow of the day.
Working as an Interpreter: Kela’s Environment
We started the day by Youpret’s greetings. After that, we listened to a presentation by authorized translator and court interpreter Brahim Oubamouh on Kela as an Interpretation Environment. Oubamouh highlighted the growing number of foreign-language speakers in Kela’s statistics as well as the impact of cultural factors on applying for benefits, and thus also on the work of interpreters. The presentation also addressed the interpreter’s responsibilities and duties. According to Oubamouh, thorough preparation, adherence to professional ethics, and regular feedback are key to success in an interpreter’s work. The topic was particularly timely, as Youpret was selected this fall as a provider of Kela’s interpretation services.
After the first presentation, we took a coffee break, during which we had allocated plenty of time for networking based on feedback from previous training sessions. Since interpreting work is independent by nature, we felt it was important to offer every participant the opportunity to connect with other interpreters as well as Youpret’s staff. We were delighted to see that interpreters networked enthusiastically, and we at Youpret also got the chance to meet our interpreters face-to-face. According to the feedback we received, networking was one of the highlights of the training day for many interpreters.
Mastering Remote Interpretation
After networking, we heard a presentation by university lecturer Erja Tenhonen-Lightfoot (PhL) on Remote Interpretation over the Phone. The presentation covered, among other topics, the different levels of remote interpretation and the interpreter’s responsibilities. In addition, Tenhonen-Lightfoot shared tips for succeeding in remote interpretation. For example, effective note-taking techniques and situation management skills can help interpreters during remote interpretation. However, according to Tenhonen-Lightfoot, successful remote interpretation depends on seamless cooperation between the authority and the interpreter, as the responsibility for the interpretation always lies with both parties.
After the second presentation, it was time to conclude the training session and return to Joensuu. The day was also educational for Youpret’s staff, as we received a lot of positive feedback from interpreters about both the training and Youpret’s other operations. We aim to organize on-site training sessions whenever possible in the future. However, we recognize that not all our interpreters can attend in-person sessions. For this reason, we also strive to organize remote training sessions and continuously develop new courses in Youpret Academy to support the professional development of interpreters
A big thank you to all the interpreters and speakers who participated in the training day for making it a fantastic event filled with inspiring talks!
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Youpret offers flexible work within the EU or EEA region. A phone, Youpret's smart app and a quiet space are all you need to interpret. You decide when you want to do interpreting work, and we arrange assignments for you for the fairest compensation on the market. Want to learn more? Click the link below!
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